Our school trip to exhibitions and fairs continues today with our eastern neighbours in Košice, Slovakia, at the education fair 📚 FOR EDUCO ‼️
Immediately after our arrival, we were met with a huge interest from Slovak children and the local media. 🎥when we were asked to be interviewed by a local TV station ‼️
If you happen to be passing by, come and see us at stand 47 in Kasárne Kulturpark 🤹. Today until 3:30 p.m. and tomorrow from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ‼️
The international trade fair Pro Educo is already a stable platform for the presentation of the entire spectrum of topics in the field of education at all levels, as well as within the standard forms of study. Besides the topic of education, the fair also presents other forms of extracurricular activities, personal development, job opportunities, travel and supplementary education for young people. Employers, especially those who apply the dual education system in their activities and create space for the employment of graduates of secondary and higher education institutions, are also given space on the exhibition area.
More information on https://proeduco.sk/