Is a high school education enough today? English Baccalaureate is in demand

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Today, 85 % graduates are leaving high school with a Czech matriculation diploma. In such a competitive environment, it is difficult to find good jobs or to get into a dream university. How to differentiate yourself from others? The ticket to a great life for your offspring could be an English high school diploma.


Our children today have many more options than we had. Borders are open and the world is connected thanks to the internet. We can always go online to see our friends in America, or even go to them easily. Today's kids watch foreign language shows, look up information in the original English... But even here in the Czech Republic, there are many of English-speaking children of parents who have come here to work. So now it is English is all around us.


"My 4-year-old daughter watches YouTube shows by kids from the US. She's so good at English much better than I do. She doesn't have any blocks to speaking a foreign language and when playing with the dolls, she only speaks to them in English. She doesn't even realize that when she's playing when he's playing. But in preschool, she plays with the other kids in English. On vacation, she often helps me translate what I want to say or if I don't know a word, she gives me advice," admitted Ivana V.

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Let's help children to a happy future


Who knows where our children will want to live one day. What will they one day
grow up? They can make their dream come true and become a marine biologist, creating special
effects in Hollywood... How can we help them do that when we ourselves are still
don't know what they want to do or where they want to do it? By giving them a great start to their
life - study in English.


Once you have an English Baccalaureate, potential employers and universities
schools here and abroad look at you differently. It's clear to them that if you're
four years of studying some subjects in a foreign language, so with him
you really know how to work - you can communicate fluently and playfully
prepare various materials. A number of foreign English universities
will accept your high school diploma, some will even accept you without an entrance exam, as well as
as Czech universities. But, of course, an English Baccalaureate will also be useful
domestically - you can get a good job with attractive foreign
companies that are developing their business in our market.


Even the less proficient can study in English


One of the Czech schools where you can study in English and
to obtain not only the Czech, but also the International English Baccalaureate, is a private Digital
Academy - Business Academy in Kutná Hora. Children can choose a four-year
full-time or five-year distance learning with a focus on international business, languages and
computer science.


You don't have to worry that they don't have English at such an advanced level yet,
so they can go straight to learning other subjects. In an English-speaking
environment quickly become accustomed to, just as young children acquire their native
Language. "Today's children perceive English differently than our generation of 20 years ago.
or thirty years ago," revealed Ing. Jan Bobek, Project Manager DA Kutná
The mountain. "A beautiful example is if you ask a student at our school if
saw some famous foreign film in English original or Czech
dubbed. He says he doesn't even know. He doesn't even think about what language
perceive information and communicate. It's us, the older generation, that still
we're thinking."


International English Baccalaureate at Digital Academy - Business Academy
You can obtain, for example, both full-time and distance learning.


Foreign internships and a sophisticated system of elective courses


One of the amazing possibilities that DA Kutná Hora offers is the system
electives. Students can choose what they enjoy from a wide range,
what they're talented at and what they'd like to do in the future. For example
photography, psychology, dance...


Another great benefit offered by DA Kutná Hora is the exchange
stays and internships abroad. While travelling in Europe, students can experience
in practice everything that they had previously learned in theory. "We have here
for example, a student who enjoys photography. He's studying at the business academy
among other things, business. So we teach him how to use his talents entrepreneurially,
business, management and accounting. This student went to Germany for a month-long internship,
where he worked in a local photo studio. So, first of all, he applied what he enjoys, i.e.
photography, and at the same time, thanks to his work abroad, he got into business
in Germany. He saw how it works there, and he got a valuable payout
experience," revealed Ing. Jan Bobek.


DA students have the opportunity to do an internship or exchange abroad
Kutná Hora at least twice for studying! "It is not an easy process to get support
from the EU, but we know it has value for students, so we are committed to it.
It doesn't cost the student anything, all the organizational stuff goes through us, the food,
Accommodation and travel are covered by EU subsidies. And you can still
they will bring money for the work done," explains Ing. Jan Bobek.

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Spring Break 2025

From Monday 3.3. to 7.3. we have spring break at Digital Academy - Business Academy Kutná Hora. Spring break is a great opportunity to take a break from

PF 2025

The teachers and staff of Digital Academy Kutná Hora wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy, peace and relaxation. May the festive season fill you with energy and bring you