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The April weekend course starts on 6 April. Places are limited. 



  • The aim of the study is to obtain the qualification of teaching assistant for direct pedagogical activities in the classroom, in educating children or pupils with special educational needs or in a school providing education in the form of individual integration pursuant to Section 20(1) and (2)(e) of Act No 563/2004 Coll. and § Section 4 of Decree No. 317/2005 Coll., on further education of teaching staff, the accreditation commission and career system for teaching staff.
  • The study programme is in accordance with the accreditation of the Ministry of Education in the system of further education of pedagogical Workers.
  • Minimum participation 6 persons
  • Entry requirements: high school or primary school (high school for higher level of teaching assistant competences and primary school for lower AP level of competence)
  • A total of 120 hours (80 hours of theoretical teaching and 40 hours of practice).
Weekend course April 2024: 9:00 - 17:00, Saturdays (starting 6 April 2024)
The course is open to registered students who have paid:

- tuition fee: 10. 200,- CZK

The course fee is payable to the school account No. 123-5830030287/0100. Please indicate your birth date as the variable symbol number or date of birth. Please include the applicant's full name in the message to the recipient.
1. The course takes place in the school building Digital Academy - Obchodní akademie, s.r.o., Pod Školou 167, Kutná Hora - Malín.
2. In case of withdrawal, the course fee is not refundable. However, the school will accept a substitute who was originally the registered listener sends.

PF 2025

The teachers and staff of Digital Academy Kutná Hora wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy, peace and relaxation. May the festive season fill you with energy and bring you

Annual report for the school year 2023/2024

ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2023/2024 (1,87 MB) The principal of the secondary school prepares an annual report on the school's activities for the previous school year and sends it to the founder