Trip to Žleby Castle with Spanish students

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Thursday 9th May was the fifth day when Digital Academy Kutná Hora students hosted two groups of Spanish students from our partner schools Alfonso X and El Carmen in Murcia. Although the capital city of Prague is traditionally the biggest attraction for foreign visitors, we decided to show them other interesting places in our surroundings. For Thursday we chose the romantic Žleby Castle with its park and game preserve. In this family seat of the Auersperg family, our visitors toured the extensive castle collections of weapons and furniture, but above all they were interested in the insight into the life of the nobility in the 19th century. 

The students saw with their own eyes the historic kitchens, rich libraries and lavish halls. Fortunately, the weather was kind and the students were able to enjoy lunch in the castle park. The rest of the trip was spent in the castle preserve where they were able to see rare white deer, wild boar and birds. A few students got to try feeding a raven and everyone enjoyed nature together, the likes of which they are not used to in coastal Murcia.