Malín Digital Academy opened three first year classes this year

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Digitální akademie Malín v letošním roce otevřela tři třídy prvního ročníku


Raspberry - On Monday, 2 September 2024, a welcome ceremony was held for students in the newly built garden of the secondary school - Digital academy in Malín. The meeting was attended by the school principal - Ing. Mária Václavíková, her deputies and the entire teaching staff.

Digital academy is a school with a modern approach, Finnish system of elective subjects, they organize interesting internships abroad. In the school year 2024/2025, three classes will be opened in full-time form - a Czech programme, a Czech-English programme and an English programme. The maximum number of students in each class is 26.

The school organises and offers many interesting activities, such as the Next step fest - a festival of study and job opportunities, a garden party for students and teachers, gastronomic French lessons and of course many other naturally educational activities.

There is also an opportunity to take a look under the hood of teaching and school operations. We offer events - Become a secondary school student for a day for primary school pupils - 9 December, 10 December 2024, 6 February 2025 and preparatory courses for entrance exams.

So come and you will be welcome.

Mgr. Renata Novotná,
Deputy Director for Educational Activities